Grant Hardy's Annotated Book of Mormon

 Grant Hardy's latest book is the finest version of the Book of Mormon ever published. Royal Skousen's Earliest Text of the Book of Mormon is a close second. I am pretty sure I have read almost every major text about the BOM. 

I am also certain that the Book of Mormon is actual scripture. That does not mean that the Mormon church is true. I have already posted a piece about the numerous ways modern Mormonism does not even come close to the theology of its founding text. 

I would advise anyone to get the Kindle version (15 bucks) rather than the Hardback (37) because of the small font size in the later. You can obviously save 22 dollars as well. The Kindle version allows you to read Hardy's outstanding and salient comments for each chapter without using a magnifying glass or microscope. 

The Oxford Annotated Book of Mormon, is Hardy's magnum opus. This is potentially arguable because his Reader's Guide to the Book of Mormon is also phenomenal. Grant knows more about the Book of Mormon than anyone alive except his wife Heather. 

I am hoping those two someday figure out that the veracity of the BOM does not prove the necessity of being a Mormon. They are each demonstrably smarter than I am, except when it comes to the fact that no one needs a religion to be saved or exalted or glorified...

You just need to do whatever JESUS asks you to do. 


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