This is 2.0

I am technologically illiterate and cannot sign back in to my original blog 

I am forced to start a new blog 

Josephsmith2 was taken? I will have to check that site out.

I keep finding things in the Book of Mormon that the modern LDS church does not adhere to.

The old ones I have previously mention (although I am nearing 60 and semi-demented) so maybe I have not.

1. Polygamy is denounced in the book of Jacob.

2. Wine is required by JESUS to be used for the sacrament.

3. Priesthood offices are Priests and Teachers with one person at a time acting as High Priest.

4. Little children does not mean infants. Parents are required according to Mormon's letter to Moroni to repent and be baptized. I do not know of many 8 year old that are parents.

5. One temple at a time.

6. No mention of weird Masonic rituals in the book containing the fullness of the Gospel.

7. Prophets actually talk to JESUS.

8. Apostles must have JESUS lay his hands on them.

9. JESUS must personally approve persons who are authorized to baptize.

10. The sin next to murder is not immorality. It is leading people away from CHRIST.

11. Missionaries who fornicate are not sent home forever, but sent right back out in order to make restitution for their bad behavior.

12. The Spirit dictates what happens in a church meeting not the Bishop.

13. Rebaptism is OK.

14. War is only allowed if approved by GOD as a means of self-defense.

15. It is better to give your own life, rather than to take one.

16. JESUS' Church is called the Church of Christ.

17. Killing someone can be approved by the Holy Spirit. I would be very careful with this one.

18. The goal of this life is to have an actual in-person relationship with JESUS.

John Scott Peterson

Bakersfield California


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