4 Members of the Godhead

The Lectures on Faith, the original "doctrine" of the Doctrine and Covenants, stated there were 2 members of the Godhead, God the Father and Jesus. The 130th  section of the D&C that the Mormons who moved to Utah and tried legalized adultery for awhile posits there are 3 members of the Godhead.

I firmly believe that section 130 is not worth the paper it is printed on, but I do come to you this Christmas Eve 2023 with an apparent tie-breaker.

Why did Joseph Smith describe seeing only 2 personages during his first vision? Where was the Holy Ghost? My opinion is that God the Father was trying to impress upon this teenager and true prophet to be, that there are only 2 males members of the Godhead. Obviously these 2 male Gods are married. That makes 4 Gods who govern this planet.

There is no God named the Holy Ghost.

I am aware Joseph gave multiple recitals of his initial vision, and in at least one version, he stated he only saw Jesus. There is no version where he recalls seeing 3 personages. I believe apostate Mormonism (post Joseph) decided to conjure up a "revelation" where they could have 3 member Gods. To set this mistake in sand (not stone), the leadership of the fallen church decided to remove the Lectures on Faith from the D%C in the 1920s. What they have left should be called "The Covenants" because there is no doctrine left.

This excision was done to bring the Mormon church closer to other Christian churches in wake of the embarrassment of polygamy. If your doctrine in true, who cares what others think? If your theology is flawed, then make sure it matches up with other vain churches.


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