Are you priests and pretend to teach these people?

 Many of you will recognize the title of this piece as a partial quote from Abinadi in the Book of Mosiah. This courageous messenger of GOD boldly asks the question to Noah's court. To me, Abinadi is the most courageous person in the entire Book of Mormon, if you exclude JESUS. The concept of pretend priests applied then to king Noah's court, and it applies now in "king" Nelson's court. 

Abinadi quotes from Isaiah to the false priests since they apparently (like me) have little to no idea what Isaiah is really saying. Abinadi's real focus is on the Ten Commandments and the fact that "GOD himself" shall come down and save our sinful selves.

My belief is that since 1844 the LDS church has broken every one of the 10 commandments.

Today I start with commandment number one.

1. Thou shalt have no other GOD before me. (It says gods in the old testament, but GOD, singular in the BOM so I guess Joseph Smith was not just copying the KJV) 

The god of Mormonism was sex during the Brigham Young era of legalized adultery. Power has been a consistent false god from 1844 until today. Money became a god when tithing was changed from increase to income. Popularity became the god when chicken coward Gordo Hinckley starting obfuscating on the Larry King show. Idolatry of men has been a god since the church starting referring to presidents of the church as "prophets" in the time of David O. McKay. Now the entire confederacy of dunces (the chosen 15) are referred to as prophets, seers, and revelators. These 15 men collectively have never even seen an angel... unless it came from satan. If I had seen an angel, you can be sure I would tell people about it, and not consider it too "sacred" to discuss. 

To be clear I have broken several of these commandments myself, excluding lying to get someone else is trouble, adultery, and killing. To be crystal clear, no one should look to me on how to be more like CHRIST. I am more like Alma the elder (pre-repentance) than Abinadi. I am just hoping people will stop looking to the corrupt high priests of Rusty's court for information regarding salvation.

More to come...


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