Let Whose Light Shine?

When JESUS visited the more righteous part of the Lamanite-Nephite population (after destroying the murderers and abortion supporters),  he said the following:

"Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world."  (3 Nephi 18:24)

Was he telling them (and by extension we, the readers) to hold up our own lives as examples of following GOD? Is this a call to show this wicked world what a good person acts like? 

I am an abject sinner, so I don't need anyone following my poor example. What about the great Rusty Nelson, the 99 year old know-it-all in SLC? Surely mankind should follow the example of an arrogant surgeon turned false church president. 

Not so fast sheeple of the Mormon corridor.

JESUS continues in verse 24 with,

"Behold, I am the light which ye shall hold up, that which ye have seen me do."

There you have it. JESUS is the model for all behavior. Follow no person, follow JESUS.

How do we do that? Well very conveniently for us, GOD the Father, has generously placed something inside of all of us to let us know what to do in any situation. The world calls it a "conscience." Some know it as the "Light of CHRIST." Whatever you want to call does not matter, what matters is that you listen to it. 

Behave like JESUS, and things will work out quite nicely. 

Act like a Mormon leader, and you might end up in a less than desirable kingdom.

Act like me, and you will certainly end up short of the top glory. 


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